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Santa Sighting at Dove Landing!


T’was the week before Christmas, and all throughout Dove,

The staff was buzzing with holiday love!

Fliers were hung in the hallways with care,

In hopes that residents soon would be there!

“Come to the leasing office for seasonal cheer!”

“Come grab some hot cocoa and candy canes to share!”

Mrs. Santa in her suit, all red with sparkles,

Greeted kids off the school bus with candy and smiles!

“Write a note to Santa. We have the supplies!

“Guess how many candies are in a jar for a prize!”

Suddenly, to my wondering eyes appeared,

Santa Claus with his jelly belly and beard!

“Hey, boys and girls!” he ho-hoed from his chair,

“Come see me in the leasing office - I have gifts to bear!”

Come, Moms and dads! Grandpas and grandmas, undecided.

Come girls and boys – even pets are invited!

To Dove’s leasing office, come and sit tight,

For warm Christmas wishes, and to all a good night!


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